Information Technology Dept.

Information Technology Dept.

Tommy Youn

269 views August 14, 2019

SIP 2019 End of Program Presentation: Project(s) = Web Projects

Information Technology Dept.

Emily Watt

210 views August 14, 2019

SIP 2019 End of Program Presentation: Project(s) = GIS Projects

Information Technology Dept.

Jaimie Jin

257 views August 14, 2019

SIP 2019 End of Program Presentation: Project(s) = Automating Reports; WDT User Interface...

Information Technology Dept.

Audrey Im

399 views August 14, 2019

SIP 2019 End of Program Presentation: Project(s) = ISG Rotating

Information Technology Dept.

Jason Tam

219 views August 14, 2019

SIP 2019 End of Program Presentation: Project(s) = App development – Jboss app version tracking...

Information Technology Dept.

Shreya Sanapala

341 views August 14, 2019

SIP 2019 End of Program Presentation: Project(s) = Create a Request for Leave app using...

Information Technology Dept.

Waste 101: Recycling & Composting at Work

2,653 views July 18, 2019

Proper waste disposal isn’t always simple and easy. Stacey Lee from GSA Sustainability gives us a...

Information Technology Dept.

ITD HQ Dedication Ceremony

403 views December 22, 2018

ITD HQ Dedication Ceremony - Full Speeches

Information Technology Dept.

Cybersecurity Summit - Dean Lacovelli, Microsoft

431 views October 26, 2018

Dean Lacovelli, Microsoft - "Evolving Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities"

Information Technology Dept.

Cybersecurity Summit - Bartley D. Corbin, Dell

409 views October 26, 2018

Bartley D. Corbin, Dell - "Cyber Resiliency Keys to Survive Post-Breach Scenario"

Information Technology Dept.

Cybersecurity Summit - Dave Kohn, ITD

502 views October 26, 2018

Alameda County Security Initiatives

Information Technology Dept.

ITD Technology Summit Fall 2018 - Cybersecurity

390 views October 25, 2018

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. So, our 2nd Technology Summit will focus on...